Thursday, May 28, 2009


I'm sitting here waiting...waiting for either good news or bad news and I still have 8 more days to wait.

If the emmies were going to stop dividing and not make it any further (at this point) they will have already stopped. There are so many things that could have already gone wrong. Since the other embryos that didn't make it were such poor quality...I still worry that the two they transferred will end up sharing the same poor quality fate.

Or maybe...the two they transferred are still kickin it in the ute...and I'll get a big fat positive in 8 days. The wait is killing me though...knowing that both or one of the emmies could have made it...and having to wait to know...bahhh...ohwell! Patience has never been a strong point for me.


  1. Oh, the wait. I'm sure it will continue to be awful. On the positive side, it might be possible that those 2 are superstars and the stimming and ivm protocol just weren't sufficient to produce more good quality eggs. Did you say that the success rates at your clinic are ~50% on IVM? I think there is still a lot to keep hopeful about at this point. (And oh, by the way, I have had like zero symptoms and am apparently doing something down there, so don't get freaked if you're not feeling it).

    My fingers are crossed for you.

  2. The clinics success rate is very high...but they have never had so many dud-eggs using IVM protocol before...but I am trying to stay hopeful. I do have lots of symptoms...but I'm sure they are do to the Estrace and Progesterone. I read your blog...that is soooo fingers are crossed for your little emmie to stay sticky!
