So, we've been waiting for DH's blood work to come back so he could schedule the next SA at the IVF clinic. I've been bugging DH to call since Friday to see if the blood work was in (he was instructed by our fertility Dr. to call his office for the results before we called IVF Canada).
Anyways, as usual if I leave things up to DH - they don't get done or at least they don't get done right! He finally called on Tuesday AM, spoke with the receptionist...who quite obviously blew him off...and said she would speak to the Dr. about the blood work. I was really on his case about this as we REALLY needed the SA done this week, since I'm O'ing next week and need all the swimmers I can get and since he is away the following week. I wanted to make sure everything was sorted out this cycle, so next cycle we would know whether we were moving onto the IUI or IVF.
Yesterday afternoon, we still hadn't heard anything...I called my mom at work (she works with our fertility specialist every Wednesday at the hospital). She ran it by our Dr., and he said they had had DH's blood in since last Thursday and already faxed the info to the IVF clinic. SO...either DH misheard and was supposed to keep checking with the IVF clinic or the Dr. just forgot to call us. Whichever the case...DH is still the one who screwed up, if he had of called last week and kept pestering the secretary (like I, the hormone crazed infertile does) we would have got the info needed and made the SA appointment. But that didn't happen...and the IVF clinic doesn't do the SA testing again till next Tuesday.
We have two options now...risk it and have him go for the SA on Tuesday in the hopes that I don't ovulate until Thursday or later. But that also means no sex all Valentines weekend...when we already have a mini-trip planned...and I might miss my O next week.
We frack it and forget about it until he can test next (Mar. 3), which means we'll most likely miss sorting this out and knowing about the IVF or IUI before my next O.
I'll have to play it by ear and see how I feel about it this weekend. Its just annoying me knowing we could have had it sorted out and done with this week. Its hard for me not to be mad a DH, since I believe that he is the reason this got screwed up, like I said in my last post...I wish there was a pill he could take to make him go through everything I have to endure...then maybe he would get why screw ups/mistakes like this upset me so much.
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